Based on the National Police Chief Regulation number 21 of 2010 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the National Police Headquarters, Puslabfor remains under the structure of the Police Criminal Investigation Body together with Pusinafis and Pusiknas. In the new organization there are a number of changes and additions including the addition of new fields, namely the Narcotics field, the addition of the Computer Forensic subbid and some changes in the nomenclature-and-title.
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Based on the National Police Chief Regulation number 21 of 2010 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the National Police Headquarters, Puslabfor remains under the structure of the Police Criminal Investigation Body together with Pusinafis and Pusiknas. In the new organization there are a number of changes and additions including the addition of new fields, namely the Narcotics field, the addition of the Computer Forensic subbid and some changes in the nomenclature-and-title.
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